A Systematic Review of Chemotherapy in Cancer Patients: Gastrointestinal Complications and Some Other It's Complications
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Published: 15 July 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
Introduction: Cancer is now a major public health problem in the world. Unlimited proliferation potential, reduced apoptosis, increased angiogenesis, invasive tissue and metastasis are factors of cancer progression. Chemotherapy in cancer patients has several complications, including gastrointestinal complications, changes in sleep quality, and so on. This systematic review was done to determine gastrointestinal complications of chemotherapy and some other its complications.
Materials and Methods: Our intention to carry out this systematic review, is the understand the gastrointestinal complications and some other its complications in patients with cancer. In this study, the standard Broome method was used to analyze the studies. The study was a systematic review using the articles published in the last 32 years about the complications of chemotherapy in cancer patients. The study was done by searching the search engines and scientific databases of articles include research gate, Science direct, Google Scholar, PubMed, in Persian and English.
Results: In this research, studies have been performed to show the complications of chemotherapy. One of these studies that were conducted on 80 patients admitted to the Institute of Cancer, who had undergone chemotherapy more than once, and oral lesions were evaluated by assessing the general status of the body and the drugs received. Among the lesions, mucositis was highest (66.2%) and language also was high (55%).
Conclusion: It is recommended that members of the health care team, especially nurses, digestive and fatigue complications in patients with chemotherapy-induced cancer, which are very common, consider them and take special care to eliminate or relieve the problem.
Keywords: Chemotherapy complications, Cancer, gastrointestinal complications

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How to Cite
Mohammad Madmoli, Mahboobe Khodadadi, Hadi Kianirad, Mehdi Niksefat, Bayan Saberipour, Mahsa Solymani. (2019-07-15). "A Systematic Review of Chemotherapy in Cancer Patients: Gastrointestinal Complications and Some Other It's Complications." *Volume 2*, 3, 1-6